About some of the Nick's lifestyle.
=.="' ar.... u see my eyes. VERY SWEAT ar...
My church pastor is the speaker for this time camp. At first our speaker should be Dr. Paul Tan, but b'cos of some reason, he can't attend our Youth Camp. So at last, Ps. LimGT be the speaker. Pretty cool... I think we all had received Priestly anointing in the camp at touching night and morning time. Kingly anointing...same, but we have to receive it on the other day(i think). Maybe some of us receive that anointing already but we don't know. Learned quite many lessons from God. And the Treasure Hunt, disturb people only.{Hahahahahaha...of course!} Played many gamessssssss......... Muahahahaha... SEE!!! Nice right? I mean this year camp. Yeah...may God lead all the youths for their rest of the life and don't let the fire die down. Use all of us for the revival on the coming days and years! Amen! Agree? Say Amen with me. God bless all of you. HaPpY hOliDaYs............................................... =D
上面这个video的图画很吸引我, 可是没有完整的歌;接下来的是完整的,画面还okay,是crossmap的图画。嘿嘿~
刚刚去钢琴班,回到家休息一会儿后,就抱着我睡着的弟弟上楼睡觉。他现在就在我旁边睡得正熟呢~ 今晚我的教会有举办一个庆祝牧师的生日会+布道会。可惜的是:我不能去。原因是:~~~(无需声明),总之不是我不要去,而是我不能去。咳~ 几可惜一下的咯…… 哈哈~ 我现在会在写blog,原因是真的无聊没事做。{但事实上,很多的事还没做完。比如:假期功课、生日卡片、家务啊……还有很多很多!} 看吧!人总有做不完的是,每分每秒都在忙碌。同意吗?那些真的不会忙的人,终究还是有事情做。但,人也需要休息。休息并非一定是睡觉,休息也可以是坐下来闭眼睛一下,放松自己的心身,头里的烦恼或许会因此而消失得无影无踪。是不是有点夸张?嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿……我也不知道。我本身的休息也可以是亲近神的时候,安息在神的怀里,啊~ 爽的嘞。当然,神要我们有时间休息,不要总是忙碌作工,使自己疲惫不已。
Kin Wen was surprised. He'd been punished 'cos of losing in a game that we just wanna to celebrate his birthday... Hahahaha...
Yea...his birthday cake and card.