Friday, December 17, 2010




要回家咯~ 每个朋友都忙着收拾东西。哈哈哈…看看,有多夸张。
(其实还好,照片很朦… =P)


Wait for me yea~ Hehehehehehehehe...... Thank you, Lord...for everything.

Monday, November 29, 2010

过去 The Past

It's been a long time i didn't update this blog. I'm going to write a short post today. For tonight is a silent night, so just write something to remind myself. Someitmes just love to be myself, love to be still... =)

"Let the PAST be the past, facing towards any problems and challenges...pass it all to God. Now i'm going to run towards to the front, fight for the things which are good, but not for the bad one. Knowing i'm living in this world is 'cos of God, but not for man."

Really gotta protect my heart properly...let my heart trust in God firmly.

The path, i believe God will lead me...... Although sometimes really feel hard to breath in this journey.

God bless everyone~ ^^

Friday, October 29, 2010

恩典之路 The Journey of Grace

你是我的主   引我走正义路
高山或低谷   都是你在保护
万人中唯独   你爱我 认识我
永远不变的应许   这一生都是祝福

(*) Chorus:

一步又一步   这是恩典之路
你爱   你手   将我紧紧抓住

一步又一步   这是盼望之路
你爱   你手   牵引我走着人生路


Monday, October 4, 2010

疲惫不堪 Exhausted

身为一位护士,实在是不容易。我刚开始clinical posting一个星期而已,就很疲惫了,身心疲惫啊~ 哈哈……或许是每晚都很迟睡,不够睡眠。问题就出自于我本身,没把时间安排好。虽然真的会感到很累,但成就使我感到满足。What about nursing, i will just share till here. 'Cos it's not a big problem. The true problem that let me feel exhausted is about something else...which is really really complicated. I never met so many complicated things happened in a period before, really tiring. But...the good things are i learned many things through that "complicated things". Hehehehe...i can only use "complicated things" to describe it. Don't know how to explain, don't know how to express. Maybe those can let me be stronger and more wise, as they are one of the lifetime experiences. =) Thank God i'd brought my guitar here, can use to praise and worship everyday and practice the guitar skills when i'm free. The feeling of exhausted is not just physical, but mentally. Sometimes feel like hard to breath. My blog has been "abandoned" so long time already, it's not because i don't wanna write, but don't know how to write. Haih~ and it's hard for me to find a time to be still at here. The reason is we are living together. Hehe...can be a good thing, but sometimes i need some privacy also. =D 无法继续……stop here.

Hope everything will be alright soon......cheer myself up~~~ ^^

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blessed Instrument-less Competition 蒙福无乐器比赛 - Group 14 Youth 少年团

This makes my day...... =D
Just now i am thinking of something that can really let my brain going to burst soon, but now...relax~~~ Haha...phew~ Really proud to be in Youth Fellowship, although i'm not joining. =P

Saturday, August 21, 2010


一直想念…… 真的是一直想念…… 无法解释心中的感受,非笔墨能形容。不知不觉在吉隆玻已经有一个月半了!想看看家里的情景、想看看父母会不会忙、想看看弟弟有没有乖乖听话、想听听姐姐打电话给妈妈的声音、想知道教会的近况、想跟朋友们见面,最终结论是……想立刻回古晋,回到以前的生活。知道这是不可能,就只能想念。只能说想念的心情,就是愿时间能够倒流

Erm...在Kinrara Mas Apartment,有很多设备,都蛮齐全的,包括游泳池。


在夜游的我,常常会抬头望着夜空,想看星星,想仰望神。没想到……至今,我只有在昨天早上看到天空那么一小部分的星星,真是失望!哈哈~ 就那么一次!幸好还看得到月亮。哈哈哈哈!每一次的仰望,都会让我想起老家的天空,还有国民服务的天空。那里的天空,或许才是真正的“天空”吧!哈哈哈……无论凌晨,或是夜晚,天空到处都充满了许多闪烁的星星。那真是美呀~ 牧师曾经讲过一些圣经故事:有困难的时候,要仰望神,要等候神,因为帮助从造天地的耶和华而来。圣经每次写到一个人抬头仰望时,表示那人正在求神帮助。有时我仰望天空,也会思想……创造宇宙万物的神,既然可以用一根指头造天。那么伟大的神,既然可以爱我们这么卑微渺小的人。感觉认识神真的是这一生最大的福分啊~ 当然还有一件事,就是想起去年还是前几年有一次的祷告会。那时候大部分的古晋地区都停电,没有电源,无法进去教会里面祷告。所以全体教会的人,包括牧师、领袖,敬拜团队,都站在教会走廊和马路上祷告。如此感动的画面,不得不记得。当晚所唱的歌,其中记忆深刻的是《一生最美的祝福》,因牧师叫我们仰望着天空,一边唱,一边观看……何等同心。


对不起,暂时还无法写关于我这里的生活、朋友的事情。电脑的bluetooth不知为何消失了~ 许多的照片还储存在手机里。要写的,都没办法写了。只好先写对这里的天空有一点失望的感受。呵呵……真正要写的还是想念的心情咯… 就是那么简单!

最后,我想要分享一个video - 发光如星。听一听吧……

Saturday, August 14, 2010

不一样 Different

来到吉隆坡这个地方,非常不一样,非常陌生……就连我宿舍的朋友,也全都是西马人。这里除了车子全都驾得特别快之外,人也比较爽快,意思是有话就直说!哈哈……的确,我发现到这一点,当然不是每个啦~ 我本身是不太习惯这里的空气,皮肤也变糟了许多。咳~无奈…… 呵呵……不用紧,可以慢慢适应的吧!来到这里,也像是失去了家的安全感一样,一切必须靠神给我力量,给我支柱。虽然我不久前刚从国民服务回古晋,习惯离开家的感觉,也不会因为离开而哭。但想念,依然还是有的。慢点再跟你们介绍我的宿舍,生活环境,现在所去的教会,学业的难度(其实也不是很很很难。=P)以及身边的朋友(许多都是无聊人物,但还不错。)。我相信神会安排我一切的需求,我知道他必定看顾我,来指引我…… =)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

将要离开的滋味… The Taste of Going to Leave...

I know i will miss Kuching. I know i will...... Thess few days, i'm busying packing and preparing everything which i need to use in KL. Feel like going to leave this place soon. Ya, it's true. I'm going to leave my home, leaving Kuching soon. Arrrrghhh...hard to explain the feeling, but i really feel like crying now. Especially when i'm listening to my pastor's song, “未曾忘记” Never of the sentence in the lyrics, “未曾忘记你的手勉强挥挥手,长大离开的时候……”. I can feel the feeling of leaving my parents and my friends, and i'm going to taste it soon. However, no matter how i miss, no matter how i insist to stay, i know i still have to go. My parents are quite worry about me, for none of my relatives are living in KL. So when problems and difficulties come, i'm the one who is going to face all of it, but i know God will help me for whatever situations i'm in. Although i'm coming back to Kuching on September for one week only, but honestly, that's quite a long time for me. I think i will be waiting for the day...longing for the day i come back to Kuching. I'm here to say thank you to everyone who bless and gave advises to me. Some of the words really had touched my heart. I will remember. I miss this place...... These are the taste, the feelings of leaving. Just like i left already, but not really, leaving soon. T.T Really pity my brother, he doesn't has anyone to play with. If my sister and I are in Kuching, sure we 'fight' everyday. Hahahahahahahahahaha... =)

 I WILL MISS......
 I will miss......
 I will miss.......
 I will miss......
 I will miss......
 I will miss......
 I will miss......
I will really really miss the time i spent with my family. =)


 I will miss......
 I will miss......
 I will miss.......
 I will really miss the time i spent with all th church's friends, leaders and pastor. =)
 I will still miss my NS friends. =)

But still......
 I have to ask God to guide and lead me... Guide me, Lord...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

国民服务的苦与乐 Sweet and Sour of National Service

在国民服务的那段期间[28/03/2010 - 12/06/2010] - 2nd batch - Siri 7,刚开始觉得很不习惯,也很想家。但慢慢地融入进合群里了…… 每天晚上,睡觉之前,有一件事,是我一定会做的,那就是读圣经!然后才读书。有时真的真的很累我才会直接睡觉。





I cut down most of the part coz really can't be public.(Lily录的... 吃饱没事情做。).

怎么把boot kilat到很亮…很亮…亮到可以照镜子! =P  Hahahaha...



samba eh eh,
samba oh oh..
sambadi badi samba eh eh,
sambadi badi samba oh oh.

kemana kami pergi,
semua orang nak tahu,
siapa kami,
lalu kami katakan...
kami kompeni alpha[x2].


engga naanga poorum,
ellamthumkum teriyunuma,
yaaru naanga,
eppadi naanga solluvum,
naanga alpha kompeni[x2]. kami?? Gempur warisan...
Siapa juara?? Alpha[x2]...
Siapa Alpha??? Gempur warisan...

** For more information, please visit Lily's blog. (Coz i copied the song lyrics from there.)

流了多少汗…… 花了多少心血……


怎样把身体锻炼得像Asakar!!! =D

Jia Joo的手……玩到有一点过分……哈哈!

这些酸甜苦辣的经历都当成为在脑海里一部分的回忆。Lily:记得啊,Lily!不要哭了… =) 以下是我把大部分所拍的照片作成一个短短的影片……



提醒一下: Reminder:
记得吗???Harimau Berantai... Hehe...

Sister and I

最后,我还是要说…… 谢谢你们!God bless! =)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010



词曲:rambochai (阿保)

主耶稣爱你 也爱我

主耶稣爱他 也爱你

主耶稣统统 他也爱

主耶稣他 爱全部人

所以他来到这里 的世界

所以他流出宝血 死在十字架

三天之后 他复活要救我们 woo Ooo yi yeah

嘿嘿 朋友啊 今日是真高兴看到你

一定是天的安排 耶稣要跟你 做朋友

嘿嘿 朋友啊 不用很担心他不识你

因为他在天上面 每天看顾你 woo Ooo woo Ooo



Thursday, April 29, 2010

回家 Return Home

回家的感觉很舒服。。。在国民服务营里,我想所有国民服务的学生都会常常想回家。家,不单单是给予保护,或是休息的地方;家,也是温暖的爱,互相照顾彼此的地方。在国民服务的一个月里,差不多每天都会想家。除了忙的时间,剩余的时间也只有想家了。我的家,包括我的教会,也就是属灵的家啦。。。 真的真的非常想念。有时候,想着想着。。。眼泪就会从眼眶流下。终于,我有机会回家。我感到非常欢喜,非常兴奋、非常感恩、非常渴望回家的那一天。我和我的朋友每天都不停的倒数回家的日子,98%的pelatih都有回家或去朋友家渡过这cuti semester。想念的心情,无法解释,就是想念。不管有时在家会有争执,会有不和睦的事情发生,但仍然想念。有哪个孩子不想有父母的依靠呢?有哪个父母不想自己的孩子回家呢?


 像是慈爱的天父,希望自己的孩子能够回到他面前,回家。。。倚靠着他。所以,迷失的孩子啊。。。回家吧!不要失去了,才来后悔。不论我们身为孩子的做错多 少件事,犯过多少罪,要知道,在天上的父,或是在地上的父母,他们的心仍然希望孩子会回到他们面前,开开心心地与他们一起渡过每一天。一个家,若失去爱,就不再是个家了。。。
