Sunday, August 23, 2009

感恩 Thankful

星期五的比赛终于结束了~ 心中好像有颗大石头消失了。所谓“一山还有一山高”,到最后还是唱得不好,他们实在很steady啊,尤其是伟荣和紫旋,真的是佩服他们。嘿嘿……整晚的比赛,我犯了最大的错误吞口水。咳哟~ 不知道为什么会这样…一直都很疑惑。是呼吸没有控制好吗?嗯……还是喉咙的关系?让你们看看我所说的喉咙问题吧!不要看我的牙齿,看里面那个“圈”。很"gelik" ho?从九岁开始,我父母就发现我呼吸特别大声。到后来才知道……原来我的喉咙已经发炎好久一段时间。到现在还是一样的状况,不能吃太多油腻煎炸得食物,甚至最好不要吃。但至少另外一边已经好了,我相信神会医治。如果神没有医治的话,我就不能呼吸了。这件事我很少会在别人面前提起,也不太想要提起。(Rebecca you know lah... Hehe...) 我曾经想过:“如果那颗瘤割掉的话,我特别的声音是否会消失?” 我的妈妈也问过我。我也不知道,一切就在于神咯……
最后的成绩:虽然我只拿到第二十名,但我还是要感恩。今天牧师说到一片云雾,就好像我们的生命一般,转眼间就消失,非常的短暂!这让我联想到一首歌,也是经文:“我是在地上做寄居的,求你不要向我隐瞒你的命令……” 人是可以被取代的。我们的生命都在神的手中,若神要的话,神可以立刻让你断气,相信吗?要对神保守忠心的心与圣灵的同在虽然不简单,但…努力吧!神为我们预备的是极大的福分…… 能活着,就要感恩,真的要学会感恩。

(太 Mt. 21:22)

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him."

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I'm really scare to be in FINAL. There are many strong contestants...... They are so talented. I was chatting with my sister just now, i told her i'm worrying. Then she replied, "You better worry on your study first! And......(don't need to be mention)" I think she is right although i answered back I worry for my study long time ago, but my heart was agreed with her at that time. So finally, I've choose a song which pastor help me to choose, that is “唯一” a.k.a “我心中的唯一”. This song...some parts really need a lot of breath, my breathing is always a problem actually. Cos' my throat got problem... I hope and i will perform with all my best this time then i have no regret. I must not give up! May God bless all of the contestants and also bless me. Heal my throat, Lord. I know and i believe You are the most powerful doctor in this world...... Don't worry, things will not get better by worrying them. Just give all to God, and He will let us to know what is a "MIRACLE". Be the steady ones. Of course I have to do my best too~ then God can bless me more than what i think. Trust in the Lord! See you on 21st of August, 2009, guys! God bless... Hehe... Thank God for the chance.

我心中的唯一 by 龙飘飘

Blessed Singing Competition 蒙福教会歌唱比赛 2009

Vote the contestantssssssssss you like at
Blessed Singing Competition (website for voting).
Welcome all of you to come...
Here's the clearer location map of Blessed Church.
Time: 7.30PM start.
*RM5 per ticket*
(Those who interested can tell me, maybe i will buy a tiket for you.)


Sublot 319, Lorong 2A5, Tabuan Laru,
P.O.Box 2527, 93750
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.