Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Thanks God! 08/11/11 will be the "first", the beginning of new things. Hope i really could do it, and keep on my faith. =) 

Luke 17:6
He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

旧日记 Old Diary

Say it's an old diary, but actually not. It's just few months back. Hehe......
Start from here:

现在是11:14pm, 31/8/11(国庆日),一个人待在机场LCCT的McD里,等待着早上班机(6.50am),前天是GA Youth的Leaders' Short Camp祈喝玩乐营,非常荣幸的,我能参与在其中。Hehe...但现在有点累了,还不能睡,加上要等待,这对我来说像是折磨。可是,要回家了,我还能说什么呢?如此快乐的事情,牺牲再多我也愿意。虽然不能上网,不能写部落格,却依然有那么不一样的感觉,至少我还能在一张纸上写歌。=P

看着机票的时间,快晕了…… 哈哈…


就在McD叫这set食物吃,肥肥肥…… 呵呵……
To be continue, this is what i wrote:

无私的爱     随时随在
你那  信实的爱  无穷尽的爱

祈求天父     鉴察我心深处
看看我的里面   是否有藏着不义
祈求天父     带我走过生命每一部分
好让我的生命     能够经历非一般
的奇迹     能够荣耀你的名

一首歌 =)

在纸上写了~ ^^

Written by, 
Edwina Kuek
11.38pm (Wed)

-- # THE END # --

Monday, October 10, 2011

七年了 For 7 years

前几天在教会听到牧师提起10/10是我们神的帐幕建立一周年的日子。突然之间,想到那个日子,也是对我意义重大的日子。Hmmm......七年了~ 没想到时间过得那么快,怎么感觉自己老了呢?哈哈哈…… 记得12岁那年,10/10是我很盼望的日子,那就是洗礼的日子!感触很深,一直不相信7年就这样过了。这7年,走过死阴幽谷,走过高山低谷,经历了许多预想不到的奇迹,也看到了许多值得高兴的事。有时候,想想当初神怎样带领我,数算神的恩典,真的是非常感恩,深深体会到神的爱。日子一天一天过,慢慢发觉,世界上有许多我们接受不了的事。有时会心痛,有时会伤心,甚至埋怨神为何那么不公平。但是不要忘记,神……他在乎我们,唯有神最了解我们的心,也从来没有忘记过我们。只是有时会自己跌倒,远离了神,自己却没有察觉到。我始终相信,神造我们每一个人,都有一定的旨意,不是白白来世界,就这样白白的离去。我手所做的每一件事,我心所向的思想,我口所说的每一句话,我眼所看的每一个东西,我脚所踏的每一步,神都知道。想到这一点,就有一种又感动又害怕的心情浮现在我心里。因为一旦犯罪,我知道神看到,就感到害怕;但有时想到神那么细心地看顾我们,又感到很欣慰,很感动。嘿嘿~ 是不是很矛盾嘞?哈哈哈哈哈……很迟了,我看就写到这里吧!下面这首歌曾经是其中一首感动我的歌,可以说是改变我生命的其中一首。没有原因,只要你曾经听过“耶稣”这个名,听过一点点福音,再仔细听一听这首歌,是会感动的。=)


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

第二天 Second Day

It's 2nd day...should i truly be serious and pray for something which is really important? Would like to share this song today. =) Pray that everything will gonna be alright...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Music Solution 2011

WooooOOOOHooooOOoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the post which i wanna post it long time ago! LOL. It's one of the event at my KL's church, GA611.

Date: Saturday, 16 July 2011 (REMEMBER!!! It's this coming Saturday!!!!)
Time: 7.00PM - 10.00PM (estimated time)
Venue: GA611 Bread Of Life Prayer Tabernacle, Lot. 42 (No. 8), Jalan Bersatu 13/4, 46200 Petaling Jaya.

Head on to website of Music Solution to purchase your tickets! Come on! The tickets are limited! 
This event is super nice event, just like a music concert. You will really enjoy it......

DON'T FORGET! There will be EP album selling on 16th July right after the concert, grab your album at the price of RM15. =)

Here is the Music Solution promo video, watch it!!!

And the 主题曲:My Superman (Song Demo)

Invite your friendsssssssssss to COME and join us! See you all on that night yea~ The GA Youth Band put a lot of efforts in this event, just like Blessed Youth in Kuching, practiced for few months for the Hand Mime. Support all of them, GA Youth...and support this event, Music Solution Facebook. Hope to see u all and may God bless the performance, musicians and singers... =) 

Btw, if really don't know how to go, just contact me. =P God bless! Again. Haha......

回乡 Return Home

嘿嘿嘿……又是我自己的时间了!哈哈……奇怪,为什么又是半夜?=.="' 或许是因为半夜比较清静吧~ 前个星期刚从古晋回到吉隆玻,是新学期的开始。刚开始上课时,真的是弄到我一头雾水,真的是不明白讲师在说什么,很像什么都不明白一样。@.@ 现在还差不多,至少明白了!感谢主!哈哈哈哈…… 回家乡,差不多每天都待在家里,不是做家务,就是看卡通。因为父母都会用到车,所以也没办法。除了周末,可就精彩咯,都去教会。这次回去,最特别的东西就是能够看到精彩的表演与少年人的付出,他们所做的,神都看在眼里。显露出一些画面—— 幕后花絮,全体黑衣!=P

 虽然不是很清楚,但是真的可以看得出,他们所付出的代价—— 努力与几个月的时间。Hand Mime performance, 一点小小的差错就要重新录过,连牙齿都不能露出来,(如果牙齿露出来,会很明显,也很好笑。)实在是佩服他们。愿神大大地使用他们每一个人!以下就是录制完的录影带video,欣赏吧~~~


古晋kolomee!!!!!!!! 才吃到几次而已……



* 提醒 Reminder: “我知道怎样处卑贱,也知道怎样处丰富,或饱足、或饥饿、或有余、或缺乏,随时随在,我都得了秘诀。我靠着那加给我力量的,凡事都能做。” "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (腓立比书 Phillippians 4:12-13)

这段经文是一首歌,所以我把他背下来了。常常会提醒自己,记得有很多次在blog post里面写出这段经文的最后一句。无论在哪里,都要把目标定睛在神身上。

Monday, June 6, 2011

Deeper In Love - Don Moen (With Lyrics)

Love this song... Reminding myself to love God more, for He loves us first. Nice guitar plucking style too. =)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

最后一天 The Last Day

Went out with my leader last week. (Took this photo when she went to changing room. Haha...too free dy.)

Wooohooo...tomorrow is my last day of FINAL EXAM for semester 2. Some of my friends from Kuching keep on asking me when i will be back, i didn't let them know. Muahahahaha...just asked them to guess. For this post, i'm not going to say when, but just a simple post. =P So, tomorrow i will be sitting for OSCE (practical) exam, is the LAST DAY!!! =D But......after that i still have to go for posting at hospital. Not so fast to go back to hometown, not so late too, just almost. Last few weeks were study weeks, i mean exam weeks. Hehehe...

Erm........that's all. I'm going back soon! May God guide me all the time, and bless others. Time really flies, appreciate each other all the time. Although something seems like not to be right sometimes, but remember God's love will never change, He promised to be our refuge and strength. =)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

简短篇 Short Post






Thursday, May 12, 2011

Update update!

What am i doing recently??????? Asking myself. Seldom online. Hehe...just posting time, always going out during weekends, final exam coming soon also. == Now i'm rushing of the time too, going to wash my clothes later in 15 minutes time. WoohOOooo...need to arrange my time properly, sometimes just hard but i know actually can be control. Just then. See ya all!!! =) 

Newest personal photo
 Of course, since yesterday onwards, i'm darker. Lol~ coz i went to Prayer Walk on 11/05/11. It was GREAT!!! My skin became darker but it's worth. =P Hahaha... Cya all! God bless...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

God's Tsunami For Sarawak (Malaysia)

Enjoy listening and watching this video. If you are Sarawakian, if you love Sarawak, you will feel so.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

等待的心情 Feeling of Waiting





Monday, March 14, 2011

我累了 I'm TIRED








Wednesday, March 9, 2011

又是那么一夜… Another Night again...

今天,又是那么一夜,非常宁静,非常凉爽。准备上网看《Letters To God》,这部戏。把手机放在一边,想起了好多朋友,他们的面孔一一浮现在我脑海里。有的有一段时间没联络了,有的偶尔还有透过面子书或简讯联络一下。这几个星期一直有小考,也蛮多东西要复习、要做的,只是要安排好时间,不能再懒咯~  嘿嘿……来到这里,我看到现实中的现实。我好像不曾在部落格介绍过我在西马的朋友,还有生活环境,今天就简单地介绍一下吧!哈哈哈哈哈……就以照片说故事来完成这个post.


Eunice Lim - Room mate, from Ipoh.
Huei Li and Connie - housemate, Johor ppl. =)
Juen and Haley - like sisters =P, 1 is from Klang, 1 from Johor.
Eunice Ting - mature wor~ from Sibu, Sarawak. XD
Xin Rui - housemate, from JB.
Joyce - from Sarawak, Sibu. Hehe...
Ah V (housemate) and Ah Cheng - 1 from Pahang, 1 from Ipoh? Or Johor? o.O
These are my classmatessss........ ^^
Mariah (ever was my housemate, don't know from where) and Siao Jing (housemate) - from JB.
Some of  the guys and girls of my batch......
Friends from MLT - Ah Li from Kelantan, Icy - KL ppl.
Dianne from Sabah and Icy Icy. Haha...

This is our common photo while we have celebration, especially for birthdays.

Like this... =P
View of the scene when i took photo at the balcony.

The SHORTCUT road which we used to walk to the bus stop or the shops at the opposite side.
Every weekdays morning time, around 6.30AM wait for bus, then by bus (any kind), go to college.
Most of the time will spend time to have breakfast with Huei Li, Connie and Joyce.
Lunch time, those who always drive in KL, sometimes will go KK or anywhere to eat.
Eat eat eat... Hehehe...
If not, stay in Or go to library find books and read or study. Or go to computer lab. =P


New church building, stage. *quite big*
My cell group leader - Ah Pat (Patricia - good in singing wor...)
My senior, Ping Ping, church's friends (either Blessed Church, Kuching or GA611, KL)
#Always the one who accompany me go shopping to buy clothes. LOL.#
Seniors *Ping, Jessica & Adelene* and also my church's friends, they are going to become leaders soon. =)
Church's friends - Cell group members - all nurses!!! =D






I miss my long hair eh...... Hehe......

也蛮好的啦… 这三年,我会尽情地体会的。

有时候,还是需要我的吉他陪伴~ 当然不是这个啦……是真的吉他。=)

***P/S: 还有很多人的照片我还没放,因为只是想简单介绍而已。

Reminder: Be STRONG!!!!!! Smile Always~ ^.^v

Monday, February 21, 2011

Words 话语

A word, a sentence, a sermon, and add in a song...change my mind, affects my emotion and moves my target of living. Posted in Twitter, "I hope i have a right attitude and mindset as i am still living in this world. Grateful for everything." After few weeks of having class, will be going to hospital for posting. Feel quite excited and nervous, 'cos they are some new procedures which need to practice. I'm really grateful that i've a great church in KL, and also one at Kuching. Was listening to sermon in church this morning, and listening another sermon of Blessed Church now. SOooooo nice, touching sermons. Everything that had happened through the past few years, i'm thinking it back. Just then i'm looking back forward, i'm really grateful that everyone i'd met, those who i'm knowing now, teach me lots of things. No matter bad or good; no matter something which caused sorrows or happiness. No matter how bad the situation is, so then, do i still give thanks? I really really do give thanks. I really have to praise the Lord, and i......gotta be humble. As this post entitled "Words", I really agree with a saying goes, "A good word touches a man's heart." (Repeat reminding many times already. =P)



Took this funny photo during midnight time, puposely.
Smile always! Cheer those who are with you now, and always be there for you during hard times. =))) 
God bless you all, guys! ^^

Oh yea! One more thing! Some of my friends are sick for these few weeks, hope they will get well soon. Those KL friends who are viewing my blog, you should know who i mean la... Take care, drink more water cos the weather is really crazy. Hahahaha... XD

Friday, February 18, 2011


Crazy photos only. =P Will edit the post again, but not today. Haha......