That day (Thu 05-03-2009), was our area, Andy's area turn to go to Wei Hong's house. Count as gathering for leaders.

At that day, i got tuition at Sri Sarjana until 7pm. So i went out earlier at 6.15pm to wait for Andy's car. 'Cos the gathering started at 6.30pm. Then when i went out, sms Andy...he called me and told me will be late. I =.="' quite a long time and I don't dare to go to my Physics class again (teacher will ask why you come again and very pai seh that I asked my dad to tell teacher to allow me to come out earlier and I still go in and out). Waiting & waiting...nothing to do so I took out my P. Moral exercise book to by heart those nilai-nilai murni. (Don't know why Moral need to by heart. Haizzz...)

By heart lo.........Friday is P. Moral test wor......
Then, after half hour, I got a call from Andy again and he said he reach 3rd mile Unaco already. The wrong place!!!! Should be the Unaco at Jalan Kereta Api. Luckily he know where, if not i'm going to wait for a longer time. So when we reached Wei Hong's house, we were late. Pai seh...

Food that we brought.

AHHH!!!!!! This! This Birthday girl, so "zhun" that day was Yun Ru Birthday. So pity her that she always disturbed by Wei Sheng....

She had been forced by us, especially Wei Sheng, to get out the only one candle from the cake.
So funny........ XP Laugh until faint. Of course not really faint la....just describe the feeling. Hehe...

Green bean soup.....cooked by Han Shiang. Nice taste ler....
行起初所行的事… =) Erm...this verse is so encouraging. 我要再站起来,不要总是认同样的罪。我要再像以前那样火热爱主!!!嘿嘿嘿… 要把小组和区当着像一个家。在年轻的时候,还有那种能力时,多追求可以学、可以做的东西… 趁年轻时,能学多少东西就学多少。不要等到越来越老时,才来后悔。组员会看领袖的生命为他们的榜样,所以身为领袖一定要有很好很好的见证!!11:08pm Thu 05-03-2009 (I noted down the points which told by Wei Hong when I reached home. Great day~ ^^ Learned a lot of things.)
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