支持我的小组!奶酪挞 - 口味:蓝莓,芒果 & 草莓。当然,其他小组也要支持一下……谢谢! 愿神大大赐福于你!Please support our group! Cheese tart - flavour: blueberry, mango and strawberry. Support other groups as well......Thank you! May God bless you abundantly!
这是蓝莓奶酪挞的照片。This is the picture of the blueberry cheese tart.
每盒有6个Each box 6 tarts - RM10
日期 Date: 07-11-2009 (Saturday)
地点 Venue: Civic Centre
时间 Time: 7AM - 1PM
***K, Li Xin sis. I will prepare myself well in exam. Don't worry. Going to study now... =)